Over the decades, we have seen how Modern medicine and application models have been changing. Professionals have been exploring new methods, combinations, and complementary therapies. Such therapy was focused on prevention, treatment, and healing. Many different specialties and theories have been entertained when looking at current medical science. With a background qualification in conventional Western medicine (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) and more than 20 years of practical medical experience with patients and treatment in both Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom, I embarked on the exploratory journey of how modern medicine can embrace various disciplines of complementary therapies for prevention, treatment, and healing practices under one application.

Many researchers and physicians have been extensively studying various complementary therapies. They believe such therapies must be introduced to Western medicine curricula and practices. There are many complementary therapies scattered and practiced over centuries at various levels. These experts are enthusiastic to get such treatment methods validated and accepted for the current medical practice.

Integrative medicine and Quantum healing focus on humans as full living beings- body, mind, spirituality, and community. Modern health and healing therapists are exploring many holistic ways of gaining better results that can be long-lasting and effective. There are many complementary therapy methods practiced in many countries over years. There has not been a common platform where such methods are all integrated to help and alleviate illness and diseases. Integrative medicine has embarked on such an effort to integrate Western conventional medicine with complementary therapies. Already there are many countries in the world that are passionately studying and researching on effect of such methods.