The concept of Quantum healing is one of the key research areas in modern medicine.

Energy medicine entertains the fact that the body is not just made of simple matter but vital energy. 

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines vitalas:

  • Indispensable to the continuation of life
  • Full of energy” 

To maintain good health, it needs a continuous, uninterrupted flow of vital energy. Disruption of such energy causes physical discomfort and disease.

With further advancements, Quantum medicine emphasize that it is electromagnetic information that communicates with each cell that has an impact on health. This implies that knowledge is within the inner being. As highlighted before, a disease is not simply a biological problem but a blockage in the vital energy flow, The knowledge is within the being, and this is the knowledge of our higher self. One must make sure this vital energy is functioning smoothly to maintain health. This is where Quantum mechanics, neurophysiology, psychology, and philosophy all join together.

Quantum medicine is practiced on the innate intelligenceof which guides and maintains biological functions. The non-material aspect which we called consciousness is believed to affect the outcome of both matter and energy. Quantum medicines discuss a persons natural ability for auto degeneration. 

As explained in Albert Einstein’s theory, matter and energy are interchangeableand in other sense matter is energy in motion. Although human physical or materialistic senses are not able to sense the vibrational sense of matter, all living things including plants, animals etc vibrate. This vibrations theory is the main basic platform in Quantum therapy and healing.

Quantum medicines explain the body as a complex of constantly vibrating electromagnetic fields. It further explains vast number of photons of light circulate within the bodies carry information to continue equilibrium or homeostasis. Quantum medicines prevent us from considering the body as separate segments or as a complex of organs and tissues.

As highlighted in this article, the building blocks of the vital matter of our body are small bundles of energy called quanta of energy has led to a new vision of energetic healing therapies. This concept is the basis of Quantum medicine. Quantum physics influenced quantum medicine where there is the acceptance of the effect of mind over matter. This implies that consciousness influences matter. Quantum healing focuses on the deepest core of the mind-body system. This is where healing begins. To promote the healing process at a core level, practitioners must pass all the basic levels of the body cells, tissues, organs and reach the junction point between mind and matter. At this junction point of mind and matter where consciousness starts to have an effect.

Energy and scientific knowledge of how energy behaves has given tremendous insights into how disease occurs and how treatment or therapy can be identified accordingly.

Various concepts of ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine in India explain two main theories:

  • Vital energy carries information.
  • The information is intelligence.