Imagination – Connecting Brain with Universe
Neuronal development and function of advanced organisms create vivid imagination. Imagination is the platform for connecting the Brain with the universe.
Creative and controlled imagination will have a significant impact on the quantum level of energy and universal law.
The ability of highly developed living organisms to connect to the universe creates harmony and stability in universal energy.
What is the brain?
The brain is a complex organ that weighs about 3 pounds in an adult. The human brain is about 60% fat and the remaining 40% is a combination of water, protein, carbohydrates, and salt.
The brain and the spinal cord create the central nervous system. The brain controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, and temperature.
In the anatomy of the brain gey matter refers to the darker, outer portion, while white matter describes the lighter inner section underneath. In the spinal cord white matter is on the outside and grey matter is inside.
Grey matter is composed of the round central body of the neuron and the white matter is mostly made of axons, the long stems that connect neurones together.
The brain sends and receives chemical and electrical signals throughout the body. Some messages are kept within the brain and others are relayed through the spine and across the neurons to distant extremities.
Is there any connection between the human brain and the universe?
Franco Vazza an Astrophysicist working in Bologna, Italy, and Alberto Feletti a neurosurgeon in Verona researched to the concept of connection between the human brain and the universe.
Their research focussed specifically on the structure of the universe in comparison to the neuronal network of the brain. According to them both structures have tightly woven clusters that branch out at great lengths toward other clusters to form web-like patterns.
- Composition
About 77% of the brain consists of water while 72 % of the universe consists of dark energy. But water and dark energy have a minute structural role in the brain and the universe.
- Nodes and Networks
A network consists of nodes that connect to each other via different lines. Within the brain, these nodes are called neurons, and in the universe, they are called galaxies. The connection between neurons and galaxies is called filaments.
- Inner workings
There is a comparison between the density of the brain and the universe. About 4.6 to 5.4 filaments connect to each node in the brain while there are 3.8 to 4. connections in the universe.
The neurons/filaments and network of the brain are connected to the universe in many ways.
- Universal law
Networks in the brain and the universe are similar, and there has to be some law that is governing all structures found in the natural world.
- Being humble
When a human sees himself as a single being in the much larger universe, he becomes humble. He realizes there are much greater things in life and the universe.
- Having purpose
Humans strive for meaning and purpose: they don’t want to merely exist. The only way humans can achieve this is by connecting to the bigger picture, the universe.
This motivates the human to strive and achieve fulfilment.
- Making the most of your talents
A connection to the outside world requires a human to reflect inward. Each human need to get to know himself, what you want from his life, and how he will achieve it. This needs a change of mindset. | Humans need to think differently.
- Changing your thinking
When humans want to connect to the universe, they have to change the structure of the brain. Once humans get control of their thinking, they can alter the neural network and help connect to the universe. There are networks in the brain and in the universe.
These networks are important to create interconnection.
The theory is that brains are connected to the universe at the Quantum level.
According to research conducted by Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose, it is stipulated that the brain is connected to the Universe at the Quantum level.
The theory is based on the findings that quantum vibrations occur in the microtubules in the brain. These microtubules form the basic structure of cells in our neurons. These neurons are responsible for a wide range of consciousness-related phenomena such as the transmission of thoughts, nerve impulses, and the operation of senses.
The same ‘Quantum Vibrations’ make up the most fundamental structure of the universe. This implies a very real and direct connection between the brain, human consciousness, and the existence of the universe, they are fundamentally inseparable at the quantum level.
Hameroff and Penrose explain their theory further:
“…consciousness derives from quantum vibrations in microtubules, protein polymers inside brain neurons, which both govern the neuronal and synaptic function and connect brain processes to self-organizing processes in the fine scale, ‘proto-conscious’ quantum structure of reality.”
They go on to state that:
“…conscious experience is intrinsically connected to the fine-scale structure of space–time geometry, and that consciousness could be deeply related to the operation of the laws of the universe.”
They argue that ‘Brain waves’ are the results of the deeper level of microtubule vibrations. Brain waves are connected to states of consciousness and high–level brain function. Their research confirms that there is a direct quantum relationship between the fundamental structure of the human mind and the fabric of the universe.