Intelligence in Human body & DNA activation – Rediscovering hidden powers.
What is this new concept DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) reactivation?
In his article, Sam Boomer who is a Quantum Healing practitioner discusses in detail regarding DNA activation. He explains, DNA is the road map of consciousness. It is believed that only 5% of chromosomes are responsible for biological growth. The other 95% are considered non- functional and non-coded. He calls it as ‘Ener-genetic’ in nature. He further argues that DNA is a multi-functional, multi-dimensional component of your being. DNA is considered to provide the blueprint or core intelligence of your being, and layer of evolving consciousness, and a spiritual technology conceived by beings of much higher intelligence than us.
Sam Boomer further says, at our current level of understanding, we only have access to two physical strands of our DNA. He believes that there are around 13 strands on the etheric level. We are not able to access the full spectrum of our DNA knowingness strands are because of the dense level of our consciousness. The third dimensional matrix is limiting our ability to perceive beyond the physical five senses.
Double helix of the DNA are the two physical strands has been observed by the researchers using traditional measuring equipment. The other additional strands at etheric level are dormant strands which are gradually being activated and are responsible for our latent psychic abilities and cellular memories.
DNA activation is a process of bringing lighter sense into your vital body and field of awareness. This activation raises your vibration, receive an upgrade in consciousness.
He further emphasizes that, to understand the DNA activation and function of DNA in its truest sense, we need to think of it at a quantum- level. It has a physical component, but it is rooted in consciousness or intelligence.
I will further explore the concept of DNA activation and Quantum healing in later part of this thesis. from
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