Quantum Energy medicine into healing therapy in medicine 

As quoted and summarized before Quantum physics describes the universe as a fluctuating field of energy and matter. When an organ is unable to reproduce the necessary equilibrium to sustain health, this deficiency in electronic energy produces imbalance and develops into injury or disease. In other words, energy medicine, vibrational medicine, regenerative medicine, and restorative medicine are complementary informational systems. They create new holistic therapy paradigm.

How does this paradigm work for healing in modern medicine?

Advanced in medical science is calling for more holistic medicine including cures. The discussed Quantum application. Energy healing will be a fundamental and combined discipline in the future. 

In modern medicine and genetic research, scientists have captured how once called junk DNAcan be working as switches for genes. This junk DNA has most of the vital information that can turn other genes on or off. These segments of genes are called enhancers.

This article, it explains how researchers at Princeton University how these DNA segments or enhancers find and activate target DNA. 

Enhancers switch on the expression of other genes. Researchers have recorded that there is evidence of how the interaction between the enhancer and the gene is necessary to activate “transcription” which is the first step in reading the genetic instructions. These enhancers remain connected to the gene throughout it is active. When this enhancer disconnects from the gene, gene activity stops.  They also noticed that during transcription, The structure formed by the enhancer and gene becomes more compact. The most likely showing a change in the DNA in that region.

In this way more and more DNA and energy activation can aid in healing.

The article has discussed how this scientific research and evidence in junk DNA activation can be used in healing.

One can argue there can be a way of utilizing Quantum healing and DNA activation to achieve superhumans.

Most humans live in a state of amnesia from birth, forgetful of their past lives. The light codes or junk DNAare buried and unsupported with full of potential. They get activated till some trigger brings them to life. When activated, these light codes bring the human into a deeper resonated understanding.

Western medicine and the complementary medical field are advancing toward Quantum Energy Therapy. The modern world is believed in the universe and every living being as an energy force. This energy filed fundamentals has been used as therapeutic models. Manipulation and alignment of the flow of energy is the basis of health healing. The research into various resources on modern medical filed and genetic research has shown how the energy medicine and healing is deeply rooted at genetic level. Vibrational frequencies and energy flow can determine the health of the body. 

Body craves for healing. Pharmaceutical and surgical interventions mostly lack the ability to heal and set the pattern of energy flow. Body itself has the innate ability to create healing mechanisms. Sometimes external prompt like touching, relaxation, meditation can trigger the process of energy alignment and healing. In summary complementary therapy mainly Quantum energy healing has taken a front-line advancement in modern medical research. It is an exciting exploration into similarity of the human anatomy/ biology/ physiology   and psychology   with the universal energy.



Priceton.edu/news. Available from 
Reference Link 01

Vincegowmon.com.Available from 
Reference Link 02

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