Explore current research on Integrative Medicine, Quantum healing in medical field

Current medical practices are useful and popular in treating illness and symptoms. Many scholars are exploring ways to find combined therapies and practices which will treat the illness/symptoms/ identify the cause of the illness and promote healing and holistic approach. 

Integrative Medicine practice take a significant role in this exploration and research. As explained here, Integrative Medicine is defined as the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person and make use of all therapeutic approaches, health care professionals, and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.

When both Western and Eastern medicines are combined, it facilitates both treatment of the illnesses and symptoms and same time healing, identifying the cause of illness and prevention of illness. 

  • Promoting health through health care 

From ancient times, practice of medicine and healing has created a belief and trust in the physicians. The patient places a significant faith in the physician for the correct treatment and overall healing of the disease and healing. Integrative medicine supports such concept and theory. Integrative medicine focuses on not only illness but on person. Integrative Medicine provide people with the ability to enhance their own health and wellbeing.

It is believed that good medical practice should empower people to be self-resilient, feeling empowered with experience and control in both recovery and prevention. When such guidance is given by the physician to patient, they can take responsibility for their own care which promote self – care, self- regulation, and self- healing

  • Integrative Medicine methods create closer relationship with the patient

In modern era, lack of resources, lack of doctors and lack of understanding among patient and physician can adversely affect the much-intended concept of Integrative Medicine.  IM helps in empowering experience and control to the patient. This can affect the concept of self- care, self-regulation, and self- healing

When following integrative approach, much enhanced relationship can be formed with patient which help assessment of illness, treatment, and healing. Patient has access to many health care professionals in various fields and this create confidence and comfort among patient and feel of security that there will be holistic cure. Such emotional wellbeing among patients helps the physician to achieve the results in much more effective manner. 

  • Integrative medicine is cost effective

One can argue the approach of integrative medicine is costly as it needs more time, more resources and broader scope of treatment. But according to literature and research, experts argue that changes in lifestyle, nutritional interventions and psychological well- being will slow down or reverse the progression of disease. So over long run IM will reduce the cost in health care provision.

When Integrative Medicine integrates with traditional conventional medicine, it gives patients more choice in treatment options and control in their own health and well being. 

  • Why people use complementary or alternative therapies

A study (meta-analysis) published in 2012 highlighted that many people use some form of complimentary therapy at some point of their illness and treatment. 

Using therapy to make you feel better 

People use complimentary therapy during treatment to feel more supported and feel better. These complimentary therapies make them feel positive, relaxed. These therapies calm emotions, relieve anxiety and worry. 

Many physicians and theories of treatments believe that positive emotions can impact on improving physical health.

Reducing symptoms or side effects from other treatment methods

Many complementary therapies help to overcome the symptoms and side effects during the treatment of chronic disease and cancer. E.g., acupuncture

Feeling more in control

Many believe that when they use complimentary therapy, they feel more in control in their therapy and outcome.

Natural and healing therapies

People feel complementary therapies are more nature-based or nature friendly. Physicians always advise that these therapies must be practiced with supervision when used jointly with conventional medicine.

Staying positive 

Positive mind and positive energy help in the healing process. Complimentary therapy will enhance a positive mindset, relaxation.

Boosting immune system

There is a trial that explores how the complementary therapies affect the immune system. By promoting psychological positive energy and reducing stress boosts the immune system.

  • The Development of Quantum Functional Energy Medicine 

The following article discuss how Quantum Energy medicine has integrated into current practice of Integrative & Restorative medicine.

As quoted in this article, living systems are considered as complex, nonlinear, dynamic, self–organizing”. These organisms have energetic and field phenomena with negative entropy. It further quotes, at the highest level of organization, each life form may possess an innate biologic field or biofield

The author further explains that “the energy field maintains the integrity of the whole organism: regulates its physiologic and biochemical responses; and is integral to development, healing, and regeneration”. Energy medicine refers to several systems that work with the energy field of the body to help restore health. Many energy-related therapies challenge the existing biomedical paradigm because they cannot be explained by contemporary, conventional, biochemical or physiological mechanisms. Scientists believe that “Quantum physics” is a better paradigm with which to understand these therapies.

Human energy systemis a complex network of different types of energies. 

  • Biochemical energy – “Glucose, ATP(Adenosine triphosphate), Fats, protein
  • Bioelectrical energy – “Nerve signal transmission, cardiac electrical rhythms, neuroelectric brain activity
  • Biophotonic energy – “mitogenic radiation, UV( ultraviolet ) emission
  • Bioelectronic energy – “Inherent cellular /DNA activity
  • Biomagnetic energy – “by-products of cardiac, nerve and brain activity
  • Subtle energies – Qi, Prana and etheric energy

Healthy and uninterrupted Energy supply is a necessary condition for life. Any disruption to such flow or energy metabolism creates pathological outcomes. It is believed that Energy transformation in mitochondriaproduces a state where energy condense in electrical vibrations. As quoted here, the Quantum principle of energy states that powerful rhythmic vibrations from one source will cause less powerful vibrations from another source to lock into the vibration of the first source.

The vibrational responsivenessof living cells to energy explores a very exciting new medical paradigm. This explains where electrical energy, both natural or man- made can affect positively in both healing or harmful to the bodys cellular oscillatory balance. According to traditional theory, energy or Qi flows along energy channels or meridians that is running throughout the body. When the flow of this flow of energy or Qiis disrupted or blocked, it can be released by stimulating specific points along each channel in the body. Many energies therapist utilizes this technique to review and unblock the energy flow and healing.

Quantum physics and Quantum energy explains that matter is composed of various energy components or frequencies that is constantly vibrating at different frequencies. This energy medium or energy field can be present everywhere at once. In Quantum physicsthis  energy force is called  as vacuum energyor zero-point energy. This so-called wave particle duality conceptstates that the movement of a particle through the absolute energy medium create waves. The ability of the energy to electro stimulates living tissue at the subcellular level has novel impact in modern medicine. This method can energize the life force and can give positive medical implications. Quantum regenerative twist defines that the right wavelength at the right time to have specific therapeutic action.

  • Research questions

The popularity of practice of Integrative medicine and Quantum healing

Western medicine is more focused scientific approach from the beginning. In details this has a mix of materialistic model with theories of evolution of Darwin, Newtonian Physics, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology. The changes and evolution in modern era have introduced new scientific in depth where there is exploration into subatomic level. 

Developments of Quantum physics has created new scientific theories and models in many fields including medicine. The principles of Quantum Physics, Energy healing explains ancient traditions of healing such as Ayurvedic medicine, Acupuncturework on bodys energy systems and vital force energy.

When health is defined by quantum physics, it discusses “the entire universe, reality, field, consciousness”. Quantum physics further explores how this understanding can be applied to improving how we practice medicine and how human body heal.

Quantum physics has managed to change how we perceive our entire life matter. Quantum physics/Quantum healing has changed all aspects of science. Further it reveals our human and nature interconnection to all things and how the human mind interacts with the universe.

Quantum medicine has revolutionized medicine and healing on many levels. It has helped to redefine the form of Integrative Medicine based on the understanding of the universe according to Quantum physics – “Integrative Quantum Medicine.

In future, Quantum science will be a main theme of integrative medicine which will combines conventional and healing traditions. 

Integrative Quantum Medicine will be the current health care evolution and new developments in medicine. It will give a new field of interactive health on disease and also based on the full potentiality of the healing process. As highlighted before, this concept focus on bodys subtle energy systems, mental and emotional connections to the physical body. This demarcates the modern dualistic philosophy against non-dualistic viewpoint. Non dualistic viewpoint will explore new approaches which can guide to resolve the problems still unresolved by conventional medicine.  

Integrative medicine considers the whole person and includes physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental factorsthat affect a persons health.  This is the patient-centered approach. Quantum physics is the advanced development of modern science today that explains the nature and behavior of matter. This also explains the energy on the atomic and subatomic levels.


Themindedinstitute.com.Available from 
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Cancerresearchuk.org.Available from  
Reference Link 02

Researchgate.net.Available from 
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Quantumuniversity.com.Available from
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Medcraveonline.com.Available from
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