How the concept of Quantum healing and holistic care influencing the medical education
All medical professionals and physicians believe that, in future, medical universities will be introducing the “Quantum science” as part of Integrative Medicine which will combine conventional and alternative treatment methods. Many scholars believe that integrative (Quantum) medicine is considered the key to resolving the current healthcare crisis, and it will be based on the full potential of the individual and not on disease. This teaching will give an understanding of how the body’s energy systems and mental and emotional connections can be connected and applied to the physical body, disease prevention, and treatment. In this way, how human psychology works can be explored from a “non-dualistic viewpoint”, compared to “the dualistic viewpoint” used today.
Today most controversial topic in medicine is Quantum medicine. There are many varieties of healing medical disciplines fall under this group; “Integrative, Biofield, Mind Body, Energy, Humanistic, Holistic, Complementary & Integrative medicine”. As quoted from above article the author highlights that a study conducted in 2010 in New Zealand, showed that “74% of households used vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies or other products. This growing acceptance of CAM among conventional doctors encourage a valid discussion on the current filed of medicine. The doctors feel that future medical education should include more CAM education”.
The medical education is going through revolutionary ear, Western medical curriculum is changing and there is encouragement to give more knowledge in complementary medical therapies during teaching. This will enhance the knowledge / skills and confidence in future generation of doctors when involved in Integrative Medicine.
Research statement
There is need for clear identification of how the medicine has evolved over centuries and how it has revolutionized to holistic approach. This approach will analyze the health and healing into quantum level.
In his book, Quantum Healing, Dr Deepak Chopra explants, “everything solid, including our bodies, is proportionally as void as intergalactic space. In this theory, at the level of atoms which make up every molecule in our body, there are subatomic particles. As highlighted by him, these particles are separated by relatively large distances, which makes each atom in our bodies greater than 99.9 % empty space”.
He further tries to explain and study “the non – linear nature of quantum physics and healing is by exploring the path between the thought and the appearance of a neurotransmitter”. This theory is well explained in the following article.
As quoted in this article there is an example of an action is clearly defined here:
“A person intention to open eye (point A). The path from the appearance of the neurotransmitter (B), activating an impulse that is transmitted down the nerve action (C), making a muscle cell activate (D), causing your eyelids to open(E) is a linear path that is easily followed by a physiologist. But classical linear (A causes B) physics cannot explain how the thought to open your eyes (A) causes the release of the neurotransmitter (B). In this sense only quantum physics can explain the non- linear ‘detour’ that take place in journey from A to B. This non- linear path explains how light can behave as a particle or wave depending on circumstances”.
This clearly explained Non – linear path between A and B as the basis for Quantum healing. Dr Bruce Lipton believes that “epigenetic signaling is a well understood mechanism capable of explaining effectiveness of many energy medicine methods”.
This article also highlights, studies which indicate further basis of Quantum healing. In his study Dr Tim Ewer reveals “collagens are not just mechanical fibers, they have dielectric and electrically conductive properties that make them very sensitive to mechanical pressure, pH, and ionic composition as well as electromagnetic fields. These fibers constitute a semi-conducting highly responsive directional network that extends throughout the organism and links directly with the intracellular matrices of all individual cells.”
Similarly, “Energy Medicine” functions with several systems in the body that work with energy fields of the body to help in healing. Energy therapy principal challenge the current “biomedical paradigm” as they cannot be explained by conventional biochemical or physiological mechanisms. It is believed that Energy therapies involve “low level energy field interactions”. Such energy therapies include “healing touch, homeopathy, acupuncture, magnet therapy, bio electromagnetic therapy, Electrodermal therapy, and phototherapy”. This theory of Energy Medicine further highlights that living organisms can react to extremely low- level nonionizing electromagnetic fields. This reaction of a living organism can be at a variety of levels ranging from cellular and sub cellular to “the brain, emotions, and behaviour”.
Biofield of the human body
The term ‘Biofield’ refers to the field of energy and information that surrounds the human body. This field of energy is composed of both measurable electromagnetic energy and this energy exist at minute level. One mechanism explained that Biofield phenomenon acts directly on molecular structures, changing confirmation of molecules in functionally significant ways. Biofield can also transfer bio information carried by energy signals interacting directly with known energy fields.
This article explains how living systems can be considered as “complex, nonlinear, dynamic, self-organizing, energetic and field phenomena with negative entropy”. As quoted from article, “At the highest level of organization, each life form may possess an innate biologic field, or biofield”. This energy field maintains the integrity of the whole organism; regulate its physiologic and biochemical responses. This energy field is integral to “development, healing, and regeneration”.
Ancient healing methods:
Many ancient medicine eras have mentioned concept of life force. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine consider that a form of “life- giving energy” flows throughout the body. When there is blockage of the energy flow then illness can arise because of “blockages, excesses or irregularities” in its flow. This innate energy of body is called in by many names, “Prana, Qi, Ki, Mana, love, spirit.” At current times this energy is called as “biofield, which is partly based on the electromagnetic field theory of modern physics”. Some well-known biofield systems such as “Reiki” and “Qigong” explains that individual’s life force relates to a universal life energy.
In quantum physics, both “particle view and wave view” are necessary to fully describe the nature of light and matter at the smallest scale. This dual model is called the “principle of complementarity.” from
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